
There is 1 post for SuckMyDuck, the oldest from April 4, 2015.

Suck My Duck – A Sneak Preview

Suck My Duck

Hello QClickers! It gives us great pleasure to share with you what we’ve been busy with for the past few months. The loyal readers will know that we have a QC Tee Store which we launched back in 2005 and we’ve seen many models don our QuiteCute tees and tank tops over the years. In celebration of QueerClick’s 10th anniversary (yes we are the grandmamadinos), we’re quacking ourselves in our panties to announce that we’ll be launching SUCK MY DUCK – A lifestyle brand committed to creating HIGH-QUALITY, WELL-DESIGNED, GOODS FOR THE GLBT COMMUNITY. Goods that we wanted ourselves! And yes, you can expect a healthy dosage of wit and monkey-cheekiness in whatever we do!

Check out some of the pieces we have in our inaugural series from our catalogue after the jump.

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01 Apr 15 By Editor D 6 Comments