Profile Picture Shawn Harriri

Shawn Harriri

There are 8 posts for Shawn Harriri, the oldest from October 10, 2005.

Lucky and Shawn at

Lucky and Shawn at

Lucky Daniels had a busy week. After a spontaneous video with Trent Randy gave him a few days to rest and then set him up on his originally scheduled shoot with Shawn Harriri. It had been a while for Shawn, who’s been away at school, but Randy was so glad to get him back for this video. He’s got such an amazingly hot body and handsome features. Plus his accent drives him wild.

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09 Mar 08 By Ken 7 Comments

Shawn and Tyler at

Shawn and Tyler at

Tyler looked shocked when he got his first glimpse of Shawn’s huge cock. His look quickly turned into one of excitement as he bent down to take his first taste. The heat between these two is remarkable, the way their bodies slide effortlessly over each other, Tyler’s light brown skin tone a perfect compliment to Shawn’s exotic Persian olive complexion.

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16 Jun 07 By Ken 6 Comments

Slip-n-Slide It In at

Slip-n-Slide It In at

Ohhh the smell of locker rooms. There is something about a locker room that has always stirs emotions about sex. They shot this scene in an old closed up junior college gymnasium. No privacy, big echoing room, and with an almost hospital like coldness to it. Yep that was the high school men’s shower area. RB wanted to create something really hot and special for this location so he thought why not have an all-star circle jerk with some of his hottest guys and maybe throw in a few toys as well?

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22 Apr 07 By Ken 26 Comments

Jackson and Shawn at

Jackson and Shawn at
Shawn is one of the most handsome guys RB has ever met. This guy is breath taking so much so that RB gets all nervous when he’s around him. Shawn however if oblivious to that fact. RB never thought Shawn would come back for more work. Shawn though beautiful can be a bit shy and quiet so whoever worked with him would have to really do an extraordinary job. Enter Jackson.

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06 Jan 07 By Ken 13 Comments

Shawn at

Shawn is one of those guys that you meet and you just like immediately! You can’t explain it, you just know you do. Now RandyBlue will be the first to admit that he gets to meet a lot of hot guys but he and you both know that once you get past the facade it’s the inner workings that really intrigue you about a guy. Sure, he sees hundreds of hot guys a year and he’s not complaining but every so often one of them sticks out. Shawn was referred by a friend of his who came out to him AND came on to him all in the same day. When Shawn told the guy he was straight his friend did the next best thing and referred him to Randy Blue. Kind of a “well if I can’t have you then maybe I can still see what I am missing” kind of thing.

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04 Aug 06 By Dave 9 Comments

Shawn at

Shawn at
Shawn is amazingly hot. The funny thing he is so polite and sweet that Randy’s not really sure if he truly understands this fact. Some people look like movie stars or all American athletes. Shawn looks like a prince or head of state. He is polished, refined, and gorgeous. Shawn is one of those young men that really makes you glad to be in the biz. When Randy called Shawn and asked him if he would like to come back and work with him he gave Randy a resounding yes. Randy always loves it when models enjoy the work and are eager for more of it.

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16 Jun 06 By Ken 11 Comments

Shawn at

Shawn at
Shawn is one of those guys that you meet and you just like immediately! Shawn was referred by a friend of his who came out to him AND came on to him all in the same day. When Shawn told the guy he was straight his friend did the next best thing and referred him to Randy Blue. Kind of a “well if I can’t have you then maybe I can still see what I am missing” kind of thing. Haha!
Shawn was really good natured about the whole thing and laughed and said…”Well hmmmm, that’s cool with me.”
Shawn is a 24-year-old medical student in the pacific northwest and has a multi-ethnic background that includes Arab, Italian, and Eastern European. He loves to work out and loves to run and his body shows it. For his first shoot Randy shot him in a friend’s small garage. It was dark and cramped and really hot but Shawn didn’t mind!

09 Oct 05 By Editor D 2 Comments