Organizer of the Orgy Attended By The Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Revealed A Funny Detail About the Chaos That Happened That Night (And Something Was Revealed About Him Too)!

Organizer of the Orgy Attended By The Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Revealed A Funny Detail About the Chaos That Happened That Night (And Something Was Revealed About Him Too)!

An anti-LGBT MEP Jozsef Szajer was caught fleeing an all-male orgy not that long ago. Pretty ironic huh? If you still remember that story from last week, prepare for these developments that’ll surely make the account a hundred times more interesting!

When you thought Jozsef Szajer‘s resignation was the end of the story, you’re wrong. The saga continues and there are some very entertaining twists. The host of the orgy himself spoke with a Polish media outlet Onet and revealed some funny details about the whole chaos that night.

Orgy organizer David Manzheley said that when the police disrupted the party, the participants in the orgy thought that the police raid was “part of the fun”. The participants even tried to “undo the officers’ zippers”. Imagine the shock in their faces the moment they learned that it was a real police intervention for breaking COVID-19 restrictions?

Organizer of the Orgy Attended By The Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Revealed A Funny Detail About the Chaos That Happened That Night (And Something Was Revealed About Him Too)!

Manzheley also revealed that his apartment’s on the second floor. It’s too high for anyone to jump onto the streets from the apartment unit’s window so Szajer stayed in the apartment and he was then taken by the police.

Last week, a story about an anti-gay Member of the European Parliament‘s ordeal broke the internet Jozsef Szajer, who is known for pushing anti-gay policies, was caught in an all-male sex party. The Hungarian politician even tried to escape from the authorities. You can read more about his wild night HERE.

Rome, murales of hungarian eurodeputy, Jozsef Szajer from r/europe

The orgy organizer said that he has been organizing these bareback “daddy orgies” for years now. These events were being attended by politicians from Ukraine, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Spain but Polish and Hungarian politicians frequented his orgies the most.

And to make matters more complicated, David Manzheley is wanted by the Polish police for fraud.

Organizer of the Orgy Attended By The Anti-Gay Hungarian Politician Revealed A Funny Detail About the Chaos That Happened That Night (And Something Was Revealed About Him Too)!

According to his family, his real name is Przemysław P. and he’s trying to extort money from them. Police are on the lookout for him even before 2019. Now, when is this all coming to Netflix?

What can you say about these latest revelations? Let us know what are your thoughts in the comments section below!

Dec 08, 2020 By Miguel 1 Comment