People On Twitter Were Enraged By NY Circuit Party-Goers Amidst The Pandemic!

People On Twitter Were Enraged By NYC Circuit Party-Goers Amidst The Pandemic!

The Corona virus situation has not been looking so good in the US. Unfortunately, there are some people who’re just concerned about doing “normal” things during this “abnormal” time.

It was last March when several attendees of Winter Party Festival in Miami have tested positive for COVID 19. CDC has been very thorough on their guidelines to prevent the spread of the virus. But it seems like these do not mean anything for a group of people who just held a house party in NYC on Monday night.

New York-based standup comedian Phillip Henry took to Twitter to express his disgust at these people who were at the circuit party, evidently disregarding social distancing. Here’s the series of his rant with a video from Ian Frost‘s Instagram story:

With major neglect for CDC‘s guidelines about mass gatherings, some Twitter users conveyed their disappointments. Some dragged the DJ for preaching about isolating but not really practicing it:

Not just that, porn star Ian Frost received the same treatment:

Looks like some of the attendees deleted/deactivated their Instagram accounts after this blew up Tuesday morning. So far, the state of New York as recorded 319K confirmed cases of COVID 19 and The United States is still leading with over a million confirmed cases of the Corona virus as of writing. This just proved one thing though, the gays have no chill.

What do you guys think of this action? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below!

May 06, 2020 By Miguel 1 Comment