Sean Cody: Brennan

Sean Cody: Brennan
Ah, Brennan. Here was a hunky, hairy, cuddly guy wearing a “Greece” t-shirt and looking all dark and Mediterranean.
You are Greek?” Sean Cody asked. Small talk, but a good way to break the ice.
“Yeah,” he replied. He was kind of shy and looked at the ground when he answered.

Sean Cody: Brennan
“Things are kind of crazy over there right now, right?”
“Um,” he said. “I’m not sure about that. I’ve never been.”
Sean Cody: Brennan
“Yeah, my grandparents are from there, but I was born here.”
Sweet… an American boy with Greek blood!
He’s kind of quiet and sweet, but he’s also a jock… lacrosse, football, and track in high school. Now he’s an avid snow boarder.
Sean Cody: Brennan
And here’s the other thing that let’s you know he was born in America — he’s cut. His cock is really nice, but it’s his balls that are truly spectacular. They are big and they hang low!

Nov 18, 2011 By Ken 17 Comments

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