Top 10 QComments

Top 10 QComments
You post, we praise. It’s a new week, but the same game. And this week’s collection of QComments include a guy who feels mighty guilty jerking off to an ex-convict, someone who’s tired of anti-bareback sanctimony, and one guys who says that twincest’s just the last stop on a slippery slope towards necrophilia. What the heck is everyone talking about? Read on and see…
Peters Twins Taboo!
We’ll start with what was easily our hottest post this last week, The Peters Twins Fucking Bareback for Bel Ami. The post had its share of QCommenters who absolutely creamed for the boys and their twin taboo lovemaking, but its detractors felt just as strongly against it. Take Troy for example. He’s against incest, but mainly because it reminds him of heterosexual incest (and thus, two-headed babies):

Whatever. This is gross. Spare me the consenting adults jazz. IMO, it’s no less demented than a brother and sister fucking around. I don’t care if they can’t reproduce. Would people be so quick to shrug it off if a brother and sister rationalized their affair by stating that they use condoms…or that if she becomes pregnant, she’d just abort? I don’t think so. With 6 billion people in the world, there is no reason people should be shacking up with family members.

We hate to admit it, but if we were straight, we’re pretty sure that we’d find sex between a hot twin brother and sister pair just as hot (and not just in anticipation of their ungodly, inbred offspring or its eminent abortion). Sex is sex. What if Bel Ami had posted the same scene without the information that they were brothers? Hell, some of their Eastern European models look kind of alike anyway. Would Troy have found it as “gross”? It’s anyone’s guess.
Similarly, J. Clarence is alarmed at how many people seem to like “twincest”, but nonetheless, he thinks Bel Ami hasn’t gone quite far enough in breaking taboos. In fact, he’d like you to call him when it goes much, much further:

Blkraunch, You find the fact that they are getting into bareback as a sign that sales might be slow!? What about the incest. Wouldn’t the fact that they have had to play this up for so long, and in fact pitched it as “the ultimate taboo” be a leading candidate as to whether or not sales are down. It isn’t the deepest sign of brotherly love. Its incest. Nothing less, nothing more. I don’t know what’s more alarming, the fact that they were willing to do it (though if you were strapped for money you could rationalize anything) or the fact that there is clearly an audience willing to buy into “twincest”. I suppose Josman comics were not enough. Plus, I hardly would consider this the ultimate taboo. When one of them is dead and Bel Ami pays the other the screw the corpse and a goat at the same time call me and we can discuss whether or not thats the ultimate taboo. I could just imagine the talking-points conservatives would conjure up if they got wind of this.

We’d pretty sure that Bel Ami’s not going to try and break into the gay-necro-bestiality market, but if they do, we’ll definitely give you a call, J. Clarence. We’d also like to think that if “talking-points conservatives” decided to go on a witch hunt for morally reprehensible material, that they’d visit QCX’s rosebud section—yes, that’s an advertisement (IF YOU DARE!!!).
Talking about reprehensible sexual activity, Ginger feels somewhat conflicted about jerking off to Mike Tyson. Yes, the man’s an ex-convict, ear-munching maniac who’s house has fallen into disrepair, but Ginger can’t help but get turned on:

Yes, I know he’s a scumbag. Not very goodlooking either. But he has a gorgeous body! Would luv to see better nudes of him. He makes my dick throb! I’ve jacked off quite a bit to his photo and I must say I’ve never came so hard or so much in my life. Even made a video doing it.

This reminds us of a horrible story, if you’ve got a second. One of Team Orange jerked off to a unmarked videotape which feature a troll-ugly top sodomizing a beautiful jock bottom with a frighteningly huge dildo. In their co-mingled disgust and titillation, they came uncontrollably, loathing themselves as each hot spurt of jism covered their clawed hand. They were living with their folks at the time, cleaned up, and tucked the videotape at the back of the video cabinet so that he could watch it later.
That guy ended up leaving the country, and his mother inserted the tape for some children who stopped by, thinking it might be some old Saturday morning cartoons that her kids taped in the 80’s. Haha—WRONG. When one of the kids started saying, “That man is hurting that other man,” his mother dashed over to the TV ejected the tape and called him international long distance to bitch him out. We find that hilarious, though some of you will undoubtedly disagree. But seeing as we’ve already mentioned twincest, necrophilia, anal rosebuds, bestiality, and cannibalism, is accidentally exposing young children to hardcore gay pornography really that shocking? If so, you should start watching the evening news…
More witticisms and fuckery await, after the jump!

Tag that ass, you money hungry harlot!
Let us move on to the realm of gay-for-pay, another perennial favorite for spirited discussion amongst our readers. First, QCommenter Riley scoffed after seeing Malachi Marx in Randy Blue’s latest update. For the record, Malachi’s still retired. He filmed this scene before his retirement, but Riley doesn’t care. He’s still smarting from the idea that Marx is gay-for-pay, totally straight otherwise, and has to watch straight porn just to get turned on during a scene:

After [Malachi’s retirement] announcement its like who gives a crap. I don’t. Looking at straight porn just to get it up and keep it up BULLPUCKY. If you can’t do like Collin O’Neal does and at least be attracted to the men then what the hell is the point of doing gay porn other than the MONEY. IF it was me I wouldn’t need straight porn and closing my eyes going to my special place to keep it up for me. Just the fact that I work with people like Chris,Reece,Eddie,Johnny and other hot A$$ guys would be motivation enough.

Anywho Sean and Nick are HOT

SO OVER MALACHI. I’ve never jo to HIM so I can criticize don’t attack me(HIS SUPPORTERS).

We have to agree with you, Riley. Sean and Nick are HOT. But we’re not so sore at Malachi for his venture into gay-for-pay porn. What’s that saying about how “it’s better to have lusted and lost than to have never lusted at all”? It’s kinda like that… except with three dicks in your mouth.
The most infamous straight guy posing for gays these days is Levi Johnston. Love him or hate him, he’s got his fans and while he may not be the hockey playing moosehunter of our dreams, we’d still fuck him. Joe Johnson balked when we “snagged a copy” of Corbin Fisher’s $100K offer to Levi Johnson; namely because it seemed to him like a publicity stunt with a high number attached to it rather than a legally binding contract with any real possibility behind it:

This is most likely some CF last ditch effort at pulling in publicity in their bleeding brand. They cut their model pay rates in half about a year ago and now they are saying they will off Levi $100k? Seems like a bunch of BS to me. Anyone can type up a letter and send it as an offer….Besides $100k isn’t anything if you take into consideration the money that he will make from TV and appearances alone. “Snagged a copy” also makes me laugh a little. I am sure that CF probably blasted this letter to anyone who would put it up…and here it is.

Well touche, Joe Johnson. We imagine that Above The Law posted it for the same reason we did, and that reason has absolutely nothing to do with legally binding anything… unless it’s legally binding Levi’s hand around his Johnson. Oh, we do wish he had taken the cash or at least considered Corbin’s offer—now we may never see his hockey stick or his moose knuckle! Oh well… another day, another man’s bits.
Taylor Lautner’s been another American heartthrob because of his role as Jacob Black in the Twilight sequel, New Moon. This last week, we mentioned a Rolling Stone interview and a movie review that questioned Taylor’s sexuality, saying that he prefers werewolves to girls. Steve understands the interest around marketing Lautner but thinks we should focus on his other assets:

He’s a teenage boy, people. Why is the ‘community’ so damn interested into reading into EVERY little comment, gesture, etc? As for the line in the movie–he didn’t write it, he was paid to say it, and it has nothing to do with even his character’s sexuality, which, if you read the books, is VERY clearly straight. Just like boy-banders, models, and other actors his age, I’m sure he’s been instructed to appear available. Even people in the above categories who were married have had to ditch the ring and lie to make a broader appeal, i.e. more cash and interest. There’s so much more to him than his sex life (which may be non-existent at his age). How about the fact that he was fired and replaced with another “Jacob” and instead of whining, he had the work ethic and maturity (at 16) to gain 30 lbs muscle and fight for the role, which he’ll now have in 4 (if not 5) Twilight Saga films?

Steve actually raises a good point. As much as we love porn, life’s much longer than your dick and it’s good to pay attention to the other things that make guys like Lautner attractive, like his character. We can honestly say that we’ve overlooked several friendly guys before just because we weren’t attracted to them. As a result, we’ve probably missed making new friends or meeting someone special in our never-ending quest for cock. But every day’s a new opportunity, right Steve?
Lastly, we featured decorated and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” discharged Lieutenant Colonel Victor Fehrenbach along with his personal trainer man-candy , Ryan Barry, both dressed as sexy Santas. We likey! And rumor was that Victor and Barry were quickly becoming an item, but Jeremy thinks that Barry’s probably not his beau, which makes him happy:

As much crush I had on Victor (who doesn’t, look how sexy he is), I have some serious doubt about this relationship as a publicity stunt in Gay town. Ryan Barry obviously is no stranger of showing himself in Hollywood. He, Reichen, and Lance Bass are like the fame whore of LGBT. Don’t know what really behind this (if there’s anything at all), but I hope Victor didn’t date this guy just because he wants a little attention for himself too. There must be a better way to raise the voice about the DADT without being labeled as “a famous person’s boyfriend”. But above all, I am still rooting for Victor!

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again—we love when our QCommenters write in broken English! Any guy who tries to express his desire for another man across the language barrier could certainly teach us a foreign tongue. Of course, maybe Jeremy just has really bad grammar, but that’s OK too. We also like our guys a little dumb.
Mason Wyler's Robodick
Our final three QComments today run the gamut between funny, bitchy, and heartfelt. We’ll go in that order. When Mason Wyler decided to take on a fuck machine, he had no idea how much sympathy readers would express. Will is concerned:

I don’t think I have ever watched one of these and been fearful for the safety of the machine, but if anyone can make robodick cry “Uncle!”, it would be Mason.

Robodick! That should be a new Queerism… and is it us or did Mason Wyler’s machine seem like he assembled it straight out of Radio Shack? We’re just saying… the holidays are around the corner!
World AIDS Day was last week and to celebrate, we posted a video from Chi Chi LaRue and Johnny Hazzard asking people to “wrap it up” before having sex. Steve Denver expressed his support for their campaign and challenged QC to stop the spread of HIV by not posting anymore scenes of anal sex without condoms. SteveO called out Steve Denver for his challenge and for being so outspoken on QC against barebacking in general:

SteveDenver, you seriously need to GET a life. This site is for ADULTS and the content shown within was produced by adults making their own decisions. Nice attempt at censorship by trying to hold Queerclick editors responsible for what you dislike. If you can’t handle the fact that adults in the REAL WORLD do shit that you don’t do yourself, or don’t like, then go to another web site or better – live in a bubble. And speaking of another website, I could have sworn that all the controversial sex that Queerclick posts, is on QCX. On neither site are you being forced to click and view. But time and again, you go to that site, and probably jack off before posting some sanctimonious drivel. Oh and aren’t you the martyr whose opinion is being silenced. Your opinion is a dime a dozen, just clearly lacks the force to alter human nature.

We gotta say that we love Steve Denver. Sure his outspokenness annoys some readers, but we love his contributions to our QConversation and it wouldn’t be the same without him. That being said, we also love it when readers challenge each other. It means that they’re actually engaging each other instead of just tugging at their taffy. We try to respect all our readers by keeping potentially objectionable content on QCX, but we encourage all readers to go get tested, to discuss their status with their sexual partners before sex, and to be safe. That way we can all enjoy the fantasy of bareback porn and the reality or scorchingly hot safe sex.
Last but not least, we wanted to share some love with our resident QColumnist, Steve Prince. If you haven’t been reading A Gay In The Life, now’s a great time to start. Steve is in the thick of his relationship with his closeted, lifelong friend, Peter—there’s sex, passion, romance, intrigue, and even some heartfelt moments, as Joseph can attest”

I know our families are supposed to accept us no matter what but that just isn’t the case for many of us. I told my mother I was gay and she gave me an ultimatum. I can’t come out because it will hurt more people so my only chance is to get away. I can relate to what Peter is going through and it’s not something I would like anyone to feel. Reading this made me so sad that religion is placed before family. No one should be making judgements and marginalising others for the sake of beliefs. Faith is between an individual and their God, or another higher form, and no man has the power to punish (or forgive) homosexuality because they are supposedly more faithful. I still have so much to work on but I’m hopeful. I wish Peter and Steve make it out okay. At least both can fall back on each other’s love.

Thanks a lot Joseph. Steve Prince works very hard every week to share his real-life experiences with our readers and we know that he hoped his relationship with Peter would touch our closeted readers as well. All the members of Team Orange would like everyone to be able to enjoy life outside of the closet, but we know that’s not always possible. But whenever you do, we’ll be waiting here with a beefcake and a birthday candle for you to blow.
Thanks as always to our fabulous QCommenters and to you, our readers. If something’s on your mind this week, share it in our QComments and we’ll post the best ones next week. Until then, take care!

Dec 08, 2009 By paperbagwriter 6 Comments