Queerism – Gayte-keeper

Queerisms - Gayte-keeper
noun: A gay guy with lots of straight female friends. His intimate, non-sexual relationship with the women makes him a gayte-keeper with access to them and all their secrets (crushes, kiss-and-tell stories, etc.).
Clueless straight men will see the gayte-keeper as a cock-blocker while savvier straight guys will befriend the gayte-keeper to show his sexual self-security, an interest in conversation, and to eventually get the goods on his targets in the process.
ex: All these straight boys wanna get with Samantha and Leslie, but as their gayte-keeper, I know something those guys don’t—Sam and Les aren’t dating anyone right now because they’re both having severe herpes outbreaks. Sad, yes… but I still kiss both of them on the mouth.
Thanks to CheeseSlinger for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

Nov 28, 2009 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!