Queerism – Tranpire

Queerisms - Tranpire
noun: a tranny who sucks the life out of the room. They typically travel in large packs, but don’t be fooled by their charisma and grace! Garlic gloves, religious items, and holy water do not fend off these creatures, although water typically will make a tranpire melt.
ex: Uh-oh. Check out the group of tranpires who just walked in. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that they’re transsexuals. It’s that they’re all cliquey, judgmental, dramatic, and will start a fight quicker than you can say “Maybelline.” I’m gonna go stand near the dance floor—they rarely go there.
Thanks to Kittycocktail for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

Sep 12, 2009 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments