Sticky Reaches 5000!

YAY! Another momentous occasion happened this last week here at QC – in only 10 months since its launch, Sticky received its 5000th post! And thats a average of more than 16 new Stickies EVERY day! Cause for celebration here at QCHQ, and a BIG thanks to all those who contribute to Sticky and enjoy its funny, horny, gossipy and out and out weird posts!. Sticky has something for everyone and its easy for anyone to get involved – and for those of you who don’t play with Sticky yet, think of it as a Notice Board + Digg + Blog + Gallery + Social Network + Community. An amusement park really.
Sticky is an endless filtration of what WE collectively (that means you too!) decide will brighten up our time in cyberspace. It is a communal space where everyone hangs out, contributes, shares and goes mad with “Post-Its”!
Sticky is your interactive notice board full of the latest from the grapevine. It is a constantly updated scrapbook with the hottest gems/men/whatever. It is the telephone booth full of flyers you put up! But is your flyer good enough for a sticky spot? And even so, will others feel it’s Sticky or Icky? (You can vote for what you like on Sticky too!)
Free to register and easy to use, why not give Sticky a try today?
WARNING: Sticky is highly addictive, and may be mess inducing!

Jan 20, 2008 By Tim Write a comment!