QCam – You’re Hot!

It’s in the wee hours of the morning and we just took the wraps off our shiny new toy — QCam. So many of you had fun with QC Snapshot, so we decided to program our own version and add some fun features.
You can now snap much larger photos, create an account and have complete control of your images, sort the gallery in different ways and even rate images from other snapshotters!
Please head over to QCam, kick the tires, and send us feedback if you encounter any problems or have suggestions. We’re still in beta, so if you hit any roadblocks, please let us know. Unfortunately, we were unable to bring over the comments from previous QC Snapshots, but we did bring over all of the images.
Happy camming!
(Mad props go out to Johna, who recently joined our team and did all the programming and design on QCam. He’s got some other fun new toys coming, so stay tuned!)

Sep 10, 2007 By Jo 3 Comments

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