QC’s Weekly BitchFest 2007!! 2 Polls For You

QC BitchFest 2006
Welcome to QueerClicks WEEKLY edition called BitchFest 2007!! It appears so many of you have so much stuff you need to get off your chest with a sounding board. So here is your chance. Each week QC will give you a topic or theme and you can sound off about it all you want. We want to hear your gripes, complaints and sounding off about your life, but we do ask you follow these simple guidelines:
I. Stick to the Theme/Topic
II. DO NOT bash others for their sounding off.
III. Leave comments and bitches in the COMMENT SECTION.
Here is this weeks topic: How do you like the QC SNAPSHOT?
It’s been interesting watching how it has grown and what people choose to do with it.

Create polls and vote for free. dPolls.com

Create polls and vote for free. dPolls.com
Please feel free to also comment in the comment section.
Doc. Feel On MySpace

Jan 11, 2007 By docfeel 2 Comments