Products We Likey: The Bulge

The Bulge
When you look like a stud, you feel like a stud. The Bulge is a discreet, flexible-web insert that creates an impressive, realistic package enhancement in swimsuit or underwear. It fits securely over the penis like a codpiece, giving you greater visual proportions without anyone ever knowing your secret. Well, until somebody does your laundry.
The large head and thick shaft will cling discernibly to most fabrics, even when wet. The product’s flexible material allows it to move naturally, whether the wearer is swimming or dancing and is so undetectable, it looks realistic even up close. Well suited for the pool, club or the locker room, The Bulge gives a guy a dose of confidence where he needs it most. A natural for bodybuilders and sunbathers. The Bulge’s poly-vinyl mesh material is waterproof and machine washable, and keeps its form with extended use. One Size Fits All.

Dec 08, 2006 By Editor D 11 Comments