97 Sean Cody Men Vacating ChaosMen.com

All Sean Cody men are leaving ChaosMen.com
Bryan Ockert’s contract with SeanCody.com ended several months back. “Men of Sean Cody” – a special area on ChaosMen.com dedicated to brilliant photospreads of the Sean Cody models shot by Bryan himself – will be phased out by July 1st, 2006. So if you are a member (especially those newer ones), our advice is for you to get to viewing them quickly before they say Sayonara!
Please take note and this area does NOT include access to their movies on SeanCody.com. The only way to catch these models in motion is to join SeanCody.com.
Some models only have photos, as they have not done videos. Other models have photos that can be found only on ChaosMen.com, but also will have a video over at SeanCody.com. Simply put, these pictures will very soon become collectibles for every gay porn enthusiast!
We’ve already started grabbing these pictures for safekeeping and let’s just say you’ll take a while to finish downloading them! You’ve got only one week left! So you’d better make haste!
End of public service announcement!

Jun 30, 2006 By Editor D 9 Comments