HEY GUYS!!! Missed us? Hee hee. We missed you too!
Thanks for all the emails professing about your fears that we were gone and desperately asking if the entire QC Team had been exterminated. We’ve been around! Just uber busy with the mammoth migration shindig.
The final stages of the data restoration prevented us from doing any new updates *sorry* But trust us, it was as much a punishment for us too! There’s so much catch-up to play over here ‘cos we were kinda not up to speed with the updates for close to a week now. We haven’t been resting on our laurels during this hiatus! Instead, we’ve been building up the posts so be prepared for an avalanche of updates! And be prepared for something very exciting changes in store!
Click Click! We’re back!

May 29, 2006 By Editor D 2 Comments