Tyler at ClubAmateurUSA.com

Tyler at ClubAmateurUSA.com
Usually CB waits for guys to contact him on his favorite sex & swingers site, but when he saw Tyler‘s pix on his profile on that site, he wasted no time in sending him an email. Needless-to-say, CB was in “shock & awe” when Tyler responded with interest, and of course, he had Tyler shooting a video within a couple of days.
Beyond Tyler’s stunningly beautiful face is a young man who is soft spoken, genuine, and kind hearted — which was a rather pleasant surprise to find those qualities in someone of his age & appearance.

Tyler at ClubAmateurUSA.com
Getting down to brass tacks, there was even more shock & awe when CB discovered that Tyler is not only a grower, but he’s definitely one big-hangin’ man. And not only that, but there’s quite a bit of mischievousness & curiosity lurking just under the surface.

May 18, 2006 By Ken 7 Comments

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