QC Gallery – Wide Open

We've spread it. Now hit it!
We’ve been monitoring the gallery traffic and new registrations and boy, they’ve gone up the roof! Thanks for your support!
Apart from the SQL connection limit being busted on occasion (we’re up to a ceiling limit of 3000 concurrent connections, so fingers crossed we don’t get more than that number of people surfing the gallery at the same time!), everything seems to be well-oiled. Keep testing the system out for us by voting, leaving your comments, and uploading new pictures (JadeDragon, SonnyVB, Cozmos, Edenl thanks for the new additions. Dargarion & MF – where are you guys? We miss your wonderful submissions!)
Oh! Those of you who’ve written in about not receiving the gallery activation email, please try looking for it in your junk folder. Our nice lil email (and your ticket to the eye candy store) gets treated like dirt by some email service providers. Haha!
Have fun folks, and we hope this weekend is a lil sweeter for y’all. =)

Mar 19, 2006 By Editor D 1 Comment