
Yikes! Here’s a new record of page views toppling the last one set a few days ago.
It’s exhilarating but the truth is we’re sitting here in our cardboxes biting our nails. We reckon our bandwidth limit will be busted very very soon even tho’ it’s been upped twice within a month. Amongst ourselves we’re contemplating over switching to a dedicated server (webhost has suggested that as a long-term and more practical solution ‘cos we get a whole lot more bandwidth and server space, without geometrically progressing costs nor the need to up plans every month to meet increasing traffic demand). As you know, we’ve only just completed switching hosts last month. Changing to dedicated servers basically mean we have to live through the entire migration process (which was extremely painful) again. Is there a switch which we can flick that will handle everything?
Will keep you guys posted should (we definitely will but it’s more a matter of when) we decide to switch (‘cos there will be downtime). The growth of support is surreal and we’re so thankful for that. It’s a good problem for sure, and we thought we’d share some behind-the-screens tidbits.
ARIGATOU, Minasan!

Aug 10, 2005 By Editor D 1 Comment