We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Gaymophobic

adjective: Used to describe a person with an extreme and irrational aversion towards gay people, worse than a fear of homosexuality itself.
Thanks to Todd from Australia for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

26 Jun 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Skindle

Queerism - Skindle
noun: A text tattoo on the body that is several lines or sentences in length.
example “He wasn’t the most exciting fuck, so I just kept reading his skindle until I finally came.”
Thanks to RIchard Janus for another Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

19 Jun 12 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Culoscopy

Queerism - Culoscopy
noun: Devouring latin ass. (Derived from the most commonly used Spanish word for “ass.”)
example “Sorry I didn’t get back, I was having a culoscopy.”
Thanks to PJ for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

12 Jun 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Faberge Egg

Queerism - Faberge Egg
noun: The act of shooting a load onto a bald dude’s head.
example ” After I face-fucked him, I pulled out of his mouth and gave him a faberge egg all over his hot bald head.”
Thanks to Littledaddy for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

05 Jun 12 By Tim 5 Comments

Queerism – Bling, Blang, Blong, Blung

Queerism - Bling Blang Blong Blung
BLING noun: – Jewelry of any sort, often flashy or overly-flashy.
BLANG noun: – Sporting so much obviously fake bling it’s laughable (example: ‘poor guy doesn’t realize he’s not Mr. T. with all that blang.’)
BLONG noun: – Bling on a hard-on (example: ‘I wasn’t expecting the blong when his dick sprung from that jockstrap – a stud on a stud!’)
BLUNG noun: – Bling that should not be worn, that detracts from the wearer’s otherwise great appearance (example: ‘Why does a stud like that need to wear that blung in his ears even when naked?’)
Thanks to Richard Janus for these Queerisms! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

29 May 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – TED

Queerism - TED
noun: Acronym for ‘The Electric Dink’ – a close relative of BOB (‘Battery Operated Boyfriend’), referring to a vibrator.
example: “I had a damn good talk with TED last night”.
Thanks to Darebear for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

22 May 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Narnian

Queerism - Narnian
noun: A gay person who is so deep in the closet they reside in Narnia. Usually in reference to someone being self delusional about their own sexuality.
example: “Isn’t Bob gay?” “Yeah but he’s so deep in the closet he’s Narnian.”
Thanks to ‘The Abester’ for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

15 May 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Stromosexual

Queerism - Stromosexual
noun, adj: A straight acting homosexual male. A gay man who has the demeanor associated with straight men.
example: “God, he’s such a stromosexual”
Thanks to JK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

08 May 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Cum Bubble

Queerism - Cum Bubble
noun: A bubble produced and blown by the recipient of a facial or person giving oral sex created during the gargling of semen.
example: “Nothing says romance like blowing a cum bubble. If a guy can blow a smoke ring inside it he is definitely a keeper.”
Thanks to Will for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

01 May 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Sexpert

Queerism - Sexpert
noun: A person who has a competent and authoritative knowledge of or skill that specializes in the art of sex, an expert on everything sexual.
example: David: “Hey, I’m thinking of felching with my boyfriend. What do you think?”
Joe: “Don’t ask me, ask Bob, he’s the sexpert!”

Thanks to Jordan for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

24 Apr 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Scrotum Sock

Queerism - Scrotum Sock
noun: To envelop the penis by stretching the scrotal skin over the penis to form a sock.
example: “Jim was always playing with his cock and balls in the locker room, his favorite trick was to make a scrotum sock!”
Thanks to Princess Harry for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

17 Apr 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Clomo

Queerism - Clomo
noun: A state of concealment about ones homosexuality. Term often used together with Narnians.
example: “God, there are so many clomo’s here. So far in the closet, they could be Narnians”.
Thanks to ‘The Abester’ for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

10 Apr 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Dicksercise

Queerism - Dicksercise
noun: The activity and essential need for every male to pull, stretch and yoink at one’s own penis for sake of growth.
example: “Marks dicksercise program seems to be working. I swear he’s grown an extra inch or so over the past 2 months since I’ve been with him!”
Thanks to Merlin for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

27 Mar 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Processed Gays

Queerism - Processed Gays
adjective: People who who went through a process with a member of the opposite sex, either seriously dating or considering marriage before declaring themselves gay.
example: “John is totally a processed gay, he’s dated loads of women and was even engaged to one girl before he met his man and then came out!”
antonym: Organic Gays.
Thanks again to Dean Patrick for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

20 Mar 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Organic Gays

Queerism - Organic Gays
adjective: People who knew right from a very early age that they were gay and that they would never have sexual relations with a member of the opposite sex.
example: “Caleb is totally an organic gay, he’s never been interested in women at all, not even experimentally when he was younger!”
Thanks to Dean Patrick for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

13 Mar 12 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Assorted

Queerism - Assorted
verb: To check out a bunch of guys in an effort to mentally determine your favorite butts in the group and the order you’d like to top them in.
example: “The assorted members of our college’s basketball team are #53, #19 and #27.”
Thanks again to Richard Janus for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

06 Mar 12 By Tim 1 Comment