We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Mascular

Queerism - Mascular
adjective: Having both masculine qualities and well developed muscles.
example: “Jeff’s new beefy boyfriend is so mascular, he makes me go weak at the knees each time I see him!”
Thanks to Toby for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

09 Oct 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Flambiguous

Queerism - Flambiguous
adjective: A person possessing both flamboyant, ambiguous sexual characteristics and whose exuberant behavior tends to attract attention.
example: “I just love the fact he’s so damn flambiguous! Thats hot!”
Thanks to Horsey from Cardigan for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

02 Oct 12 By Tim 5 Comments

Queerism – FuBu

Queerism - FuBu
abrev: Abbreviation for the term Fuck Buddy, a person that is not your steady boyfriend/marriage partner, but with whom you have sexual relations and on the mutual understanding that you both want sex and nothing more. A sex partner with no emotional attachment, but who you meet up for sex regularly, as opposed to a casual one night stand sex. (Also 1. Fucked Up Beyond Understanding. 2. Casual/sports clothing brand.)
example: “Just because I’m not partnered doesn’t mean I’m not getting enough… Damn! I see my FuBu almost everyday!”
Thanks to Mike from Boston for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

25 Sep 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Fabiche

Queerism - Fabiche
noun (derogatory): The clandestine way of saying “Fat Bitch”!
example: “Ooh hello darhling, you look absolutely fabiche tonight!”
Thanks to BB for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

18 Sep 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Resurrerection

Queerism - Resurrerection
noun: The act of a penis unexpectedly becoming erect again after ejaculation.
example: He had already shot his load and gone soft, so I was surprised to look down and see there had been a resurrerection. He was rock hard again!
Thanks to Jay Daniel for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

11 Sep 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Ask QC: Is My Straight Friend Really Straight?

Ask QC

Dear Ask QC,

So I recently came out and this friend was one of the first people to know and honestly I have liked him for a long time and my “gaydar” senses that maybe hes really gay or bi.

Other people have thought he was gay too. Here are some of the reasons that suggest to me he could be gay; 1) When I told him I was gay he said “I always knew you were. It makes me more comfortable now that I know.” 2) He says that he enjoys my company and spending time with me. 3) When in social situations he always make it a point that he’s straight. For example, if someone makes a joke or something.

Also how should I approach this? I don’t want to make our friendship awkward or anything the last thing I wanna do is lose him he is a great friend. So yeah what should I do? I know he has no problem with me being gay, but if hes not gay/bi it might be awkward for him to know that I like him. I don’t want to wreck our friendship, but I’m curious to see if we could ever be more than friends. I feel like he would be perfect for me. I think we would be good for each other and we would treat each other well.

The other thing is that he is almost 28 could he still be unsure of his orientation? I’m 20 but I have known since I was like 14 that I was gay, I just never experimented with it until I was 19.



Hi ML and thanks for writing in with your questions and concerns. How do you tell if your straight friend is gay or bisexual? Should he really be sure of his sexual orientation at 28 or not? So dear QC readers what advice would you give? Have you ever been in similar situation? How did approach your straight friend and ask him? Or didn’t you ask? If it happened to you in the past where you able to resolve it or is asking risking that friendship too much? If you can help ML in any way, or have been in a similar situation before then please leave your opinions, experiences, and advice in the QComments section.
Need advice? Just send in your questions and the QCollective will get you some answers!

10 Sep 12 By Tim 11 Comments

Queerism – Spud

Queerism - Spud
noun: A guy who gives every indication of being a stud both physically and mentally, yet when you finally get him in the sack, you discover he has all the sexual prowess of a baked potato.
example: “You know that hot guy you saw me leave with? What a spud! He’d perform better in a burlap sack!”
Thanks again to Richard Janus for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

04 Sep 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Schlort

Queerism - Schlort
noun: A thin, short dick with a tiny knob (as opposed to a schlong.)
Three guys I had taken to bed
Were eagerly waiting for head.
When I yanked down their shorts,
They all had schlorts,
So I gave them all nosejobs instead.

Thanks to Richard (do I really need to define what a ‘nosejob’ is now?) Janus for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

28 Aug 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Gay-For-Paydar

Queerism - GayForPaydar
noun: The ability of being able to detect when a porn model is gay-for-pay.
example: “Whoa did you see that video, my gay-for-paydar was going wild!”
Thanks to Dave for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

21 Aug 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Playola

Queerism - Playola
noun: The technique used to exchange sexual favors with someone in order to use their influence or position so as to receive benefits in kind. For example, discounts on goods and merchandise, good concert seats or tickets, free “cocktails” at a bar, etc. Origin based upon the old radio “pay for play” technique.
example: “Hey man, how come you always get upgraded to First Class when I’m stuck in coach?” “Just a simple bit of Playola that’s all, you should use it too!”
Thanks to Retaxxas for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

14 Aug 12 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Rimsicle

Queerism - Rimsicle
noun: Oral stimulation of the anus using the tongue, lips and with an ice cube in your mouth. (See also similar, Dirty Eskimo.)
example: “On a hot summers day I cooled him down with a rimsicle”
Thanks to Princess Harry for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

07 Aug 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – S.W.A.G

Queerism - SWAG
abbreviation: Sexy Wild And Gay. verb: To have a confident manner and/or gait in the way you present your style.
Thanks to Bearly Bob for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

31 Jul 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Homographic Memory

Queerism - Homographic Memory
noun: The ability to remember information or visual images with total recall of gay peoples faces, bodies, genitalia and sexual performance in great detail.
example: “OMG! I totally recognize him from way over 5 years ago in the bath house… my homographic memory never forgets a cock!”
Thanks to Marc from NYC for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

24 Jul 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Legaylize

verb: To make something, (that was previously illegal), permissible by law and with particular regard to gay rights.
example: “It’s about time they legaylized marriage for us homos!”
Thanks to Jesse from Texas for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

17 Jul 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Dickled

Queerism - Dickled
verb: 1. To lightly touch or prod another person with your penis in such a way that the sensation causes laughter. 2. A penis that appeals to someones taste or sense of humor.
example: “I had such an hilarious time during sex last night, my date had me totally dickled!”
Thanks to Lee from Brighton this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

10 Jul 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – W.A.D

Queerism - W.A.D
abbreviation: Weapon of Ass Destruction, referring to a penis of such unfeasibly large size as to cause ones anus to be ruined.
example: “Oh My God! If he ever put that W.A.D inside of me, then I would totally need hospital treatment to stitch me up afterwards LOL!”
Thanks to lemonade for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

03 Jul 12 By Tim 2 Comments