We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Homobitchual

Queerism Homobitchual
adjective: A gay person who constantly has a pattern of expressing negative and disparaging remarks about others and/or everything.
example: “Hey sister, just quit your complaining will you! You’re nothing but a homobitchual these days!”
Thanks to Lee for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

29 Jan 13 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Fabulate

Queerism Fabulate
verb: The art and process of making ones self more fabulous; specifically before going out to a party or the club.
example: Darren: “Come on Jesse we’re going to be late!
Jesse: “Oh Darren darling, you’re going to have to wait while I fabulate first. I can’t possibly go out clubbing looking like this!”

Thanks to BG from London for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

22 Jan 13 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Sexsomnia

Queerism Sexsomnia
noun: Sexsomnia aka “sleep sex” is a parasomnia (sleep disorder) that causes a person to habitually engage in sexual relations while asleep with no memory of the event.
example: “Wow every night is an adventure with my new boyfriend! At first I thought he was raping me in the middle of the night till he told be he has sexsomnia – well, that’s his excuse – but I like it!”
Thanks to Joey K for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

15 Jan 13 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Anal Edge

Queerism Anal Edge
noun: Intense, prolonged and lengthy anal stimulation repeated to the maximum limit prior to orgasm but without ejaculation.
example: “I can never get enough of anal edge, it brings me to the brink of orgasm every time”
Thanks to Joshua Jonathan for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

08 Jan 13 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Sex Lag

Queerism - Sex Lag
noun: The fatigue, extreme tiredness and mild sense of disorientation experienced after staying up all night having sex, thus disrupting the body’s circadian rhythms as would an international flight. Also know as shag lag.
example: “Man, I don’t know how I’m going to stay awake for work Monday, I’ve got serious sex lag from Saturday night”
Thanks to Andy from UK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

01 Jan 13 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Sperm Perm

Queerism - Sperm Perm
noun: The accidental discharge of sperm during sex into your partners hair resulting in the appearance that styling gel or wax has been used to shape the hair.
James: “Awesome hair style Tyler, what hair product do you use?”
Tyler: “Oh, its natural – Mark just gave me a sperm perm a few hours ago!”

Thanks to Kaleb for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

25 Dec 12 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Longdiculous

Queerism - Longdiculous
adjective: An absurdly lengthy penis to such a degree as to cause great mirth (and possibly discomfort for the recipient!)
example: “I don’t usually have a problem swallowing whole, but my date last night was just totally longdiculous LOL!”
Thanks to Joe from NYC for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

18 Dec 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Rim Jerk

Queerism - Rim Jerk
adjective: Rimming ass while jerking them off at the same time; simultaneous masturbation of your partners penis and oral stimulation of their anus. Also see Rusty Trombone and Tromboner.
example: “I go wild when my boyfriend gets down there and rim jerks me!”
Thanks to Princess Harry for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

11 Dec 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Askhole

Queerism - Askhole
noun: A person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite of the recommendations you’ve offered.
Bob: “Hey! Harry, should I buy this pink shirt or the blue?”
Harry: “Oh definitely the blue, it matches your eyes”
Bob: “Great! I’ll take the pink!”
Harry: “Askhole!” (rolls eyes)

Thanks to Jake for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

04 Dec 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Boner Pants

Queerism - Boner Pants
noun: Loose, comfortable trousers with plenty of room to allow for an erection in freedom and without restraint; especially worn when watching porn. Often the folds in these pants can give the appearance of an erection when there is none.
example: “I’m feeling so damn horny today I can’t wait to get home and get into my boner pants!”
Thanks to Olly for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

27 Nov 12 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Texticle

Queerism - Texticle
verb: A physical feeling caused when you have your phone on vibrate and in your pocket, usually when wearing baggy trousers, and then when you receive a text message it tickles your nuts.
example: “I was sitting in class the other day and burst out laughing when you sent me a texticle.”
Thanks to Jayelle from Boston for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

20 Nov 12 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Lap Hog

Queerism - Lap Hog
noun: A large penis.
example: “Man! I sure love to be choked and poked by your lap hog!”
Thanks to DH for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

13 Nov 12 By Tim 10 Comments

Queerism – GWiP-lebrity

Queerism - GWiP-lebrity
noun: A well known person, famous celebrity that takes and posts self portrait pictures using an iPhone. Plural: GWiP-lebrities.
example: “I love ogling all the hot men on GuysWithiPhones but nothing tickles me more than when a GWiP-lebrity posts!”
Thanks to Guille for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

06 Nov 12 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Fababulous

Queerism - Fababulous
adjective: Possessing extraordinary and amazingly defined abdominal muscles. Also see Cum Gutters.
example: “I go weak at the knees when I see him shirtless, his stomach is Fababulous!”
Thanks to Princess Harry for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

30 Oct 12 By Tim 2 Comments

Queerism – Spermaccino

Queerism - Spermaccino
noun: Semen ejaculated into your partners mouth that is so hot and frothy with cum bubbles it resembles the famous Italian foamy drink.
example: “Wow! Who needs caffeine when you can deliver a spermaccino personally to me every morning like that!”
Thanks to Tom from England for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

23 Oct 12 By Tim 4 Comments

Queerism – Homonoid

Queerism - Homonoid
adjective: A robot having an appearance or characteristics resembling that of a gay human.
example: “I love R2D2, he’s my favorite homonoid!”
Thanks to Dex from Paris for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

16 Oct 12 By Tim 1 Comment