We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Fabnique


adj: anything that is fabulously unique or fabulous and unique.
example: Gurrrl, look at that dress. It’s the most fabnique piece I’ve seen all season!
Thanks to Jake from London for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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21 May 13 By will 2 Comments

Queerism – Jizzporium


noun: a room in someone’s house dedicated to jerking off. Also known as a masturbatorium.
example: There’s a room in Sam’s apartment that is dedicated to masturbation. There’s an easy chair in the corner and the walls are covered in porn. He calls it his jizzporium
Thanks to Kurt from California for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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14 May 13 By will 5 Comments

Queerism – Homotextual

noun: someone who uses text messages as an exclusive means of arranging booty calls; also someone who is sexually aroused by texting.
example: Have you seen Joey’s text message inbox?! The last time he sent a text other than “I’m horny. Come over.” was last month. What a homotextual!
Thanks to Jim from Canada for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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07 May 13 By will 2 Comments

Queerism – Buysexual

noun: someone who will sleep with anyone who buys him things, regardless of gender
example: John only fucks people who buy him gifts. He’s a total buysexual
Thanks to Willow from the UK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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30 Apr 13 By will 1 Comment

Queerism – Jockette

noun: an extremely flamboyant guy who either plays sports or has huge muscles; an extremely flamboyant jock-type guy.
example: Sure, Sam looks like a linebacker from a distance, but he’s such a jockette. A purse falls out every time he opens his mouth!
Thanks to Izzy from India for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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23 Apr 13 By will 12 Comments

Queerism – Homopolis

noun: The gay capital of a country; a big gay city. Also, a city full of gays.
example: I opened Grindr during my trip to Washington DC, the nearest homopolis, and there were so many gays that my phone melted!
Thanks to Scott from the UK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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16 Apr 13 By will 1 Comment

Queerism – Glamateur

noun: Someone who tries to be glamorous, but isn’t quite experienced enough to pull it off. Flashy and trashy, but not yet ready for prime time.
example: Anyone can be a beautiful glamateur, but it takes real talent to be a star!
Thanks to CanTake8 from the US for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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09 Apr 13 By will 5 Comments

Queerism – Fabular

adjective: A portmanteau of “fabulous” and “spectacular;” an even gayer version of “fabulous.”
example: Have you heard the newest Madonna album? The whole thing is so very fabular!
Thanks to Joey from Canada for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

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02 Apr 13 By will 3 Comments

Queerism – Flambot

noun: Someone who acts stereotypically gayer than he or she normally would in order to get attention.
example: Edward is a totally chill person, but once he’s had a few drinks he can’t stop talking about how faaaabulous Lady Gaga is. He’s such a flambot.
Thanks to Patrick from the UK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

26 Mar 13 By will 2 Comments

Queerism – Dicknotized

adjective: 1) Someone who can’t think of anything but his next trick. 2) The mesmerizing feeling when you see a particularly beautiful cock.
example: Have you talked to Alan lately? He’s so dicknotized, all he can do is talk about sex!
Thanks to Patrick from the UK for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

19 Mar 13 By will 4 Comments

Queerism – Judge Judy

noun: A nickname for a gay man who constantly judges other people’s sexual behavior. From the US television show of the same name.
example: Jason: “I can’t believe you slept with him last weekend.”
Peter: “Don’t be such a Judge Judy, man!”

Thanks to Timothy from Australia for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

12 Mar 13 By will 10 Comments

Queerism – Dairy Queen

noun: A gay man who loves to suck or chew on his partner’s nipples.
example: Man, I took a Dairy Queen home last weekend and my nipples were sore for days!
Thanks to Sam from Canada for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

05 Mar 13 By will 13 Comments

Queerism – Sexlexia

Queerism Sexlexia
noun: A sexual disorder which causes a male to attempt penetration of the wrong holes during intercourse.
example: Harry: “WTF are you doing man! That’s my ear!”
William: “Sorry mate, I’ve got sexlexia”.

Thanks to Rowley from Australia for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

26 Feb 13 By Tim 9 Comments

Queerism – Hairsturbate

Queerism Hairsturbate
verb: 1. To constantly touch, caress and stimulate ones hair for sexual pleasure 2. To masturbate while holding your partners hair in the same hand.
example: Bob: “Dave, your new hair cut is awesomely sexy and makes me so horny I want to hairsturbate you right now!”
Thanks to Luke for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

19 Feb 13 By Tim 5 Comments

Queerism – Spermatorrhea

Queerism Spermatorrhea
noun: A condition of multiple, involuntary and prolonged loose and liquidy ejaculations of which a person has no control.
example: “OMG! I don’t know how my date did it, but he’s gives me spermatorrhea!”
Thanks to HJ for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

12 Feb 13 By Tim 1 Comment

Queerism – Retrograde Ejaculation

Queerism-Retrograde Ejaculation
noun: In the human male reproductive system, retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen, which would normally be ejaculated via the urethra, is redirected to the urinary bladder. Normally, the sphincter of the bladder contracts before ejaculation forcing the semen to exit via the urethra, the path of least pressure. When the bladder sphincter does not function properly, retrograde ejaculation may occur.
Thanks to Wikipedia for this Queerism! Do you have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own you wish to share? Submit your Queerism HERE.

05 Feb 13 By Tim 4 Comments