We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – K9

Queerism - K9
adjective: personal advertising acronym for Canine or someone who is interested in bestiality. The original K9 was a mechanical dog in the UK sci-fi series “Dr Who”.
Other Queerisms.

23 Oct 05 By Editor D Write a comment!


The reason the internet is sucha lovely place is the wealth of interlinking (read: love) that goes on between sites and people. We always feel warm and fuzzy when we find someone linking to us.
This round, we wanna say our thanks to you:
The lovely New York City Boys.
Anke Groner – Thankfully there’s always the Babelfish translator.
Big Brother, Czech – WOW!
YayGay – Thanks for taking interest in our Queerisms. =)
What the…(complete the sentence)
Joel’s Mode – All the best in Berlin!

02 Sep 05 By Editor D Write a comment!

Queerism – Balls Deep

Queerism - Balls Deep
adj. A pork sword buried to the hilt; the maximum length which it is possible to slip someone; in a sausage and donut situation the maximum extent to which the sausage can be hidden.
What are Queerisms?

29 Aug 05 By Editor D 1 Comment


Hi folks! We are kickstarting a new category called Queerisms where we shall get quite literary covering all sorts of queer phrases, sayings, quotes, and even made-up WORDS! What constitutes as queer is open to interpretation. It can be funny, happy, intelligent, or plain weird! Take a pick!
Here’s our very first Queerism to spark things off!
Farking Spot
n. A car park lot which is very far away.
Haha! Hope you like that!
In conjunction with the launch of Queerisms, we’re running a lil contest! Yes! We invite and encourage you to send in your own Queerisms. And wait, there are prizes too! The best 3 entries will each get a lil humble pressie (which shall remain undisclosed for now) from us in addition to world recognition, respect and admiration from the Hunky Chunkies in the QueerClick team!
There are no limits to the number of entries you can send in. There’s no closing date for this contest, for now. When we can think of one, we’ll let you know! It’s of course very much determined by the response we get! So do show us your support! =)
Ready to razzle dazzle us with your brilliance? Send in your Queerisms now!

14 Jul 05 By Editor D Write a comment!