We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Fauxmosexual

Queerism - Fauxmosexual
noun: A straight male who adopts a fake persona and gives every appearance of being gay, whilst effecting certain mannerisms towards fashion, body language and taste, in order to become more interesting and, therefore, be able to attract women. Phrase much popularized by the TV series “Ugly Betty” – AKA Faux, FauxMo, Fomo and Fomosexual.
Thanks to Daniel from Holland for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

19 Oct 07 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Efficiency Date

Queerism - Efficiency Date
noun: Not exactly a “trick”, but a person with whom you have slightly more conversation or activity with, before the clothes come off.
Thanks James for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

12 Oct 07 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Tanorexic

Queerism - Tanorexic
adj: An anemic looking individual who’s body has probably never seen the light of day, nor is likely ever to acquire a sun tan.
Thanks to donnie for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

21 Sep 07 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Choke-hold

Queerism - Choke-hold
verb: The act of holding your partner firmly whilst they administer oral sex thus preventing them from retracting and causing them to gag.
Thanks to CJ for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

14 Sep 07 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Sexomnia

Queerism - Sexomnia
noun: A sleeping disorder that causes people to commit sexual acts whilst they are asleep. AKA Sleep Sex.
Thanks to JD for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

07 Sep 07 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Hammerhead

Queerism - Hammerhead
noun: A penis with a bulbous cock head shaped like a hammer used in a tapping motion on the body during sex.
Thanks to Luke for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

24 Aug 07 By Tim Write a comment!

Queerism – Kemut

Queerism - Buttaface
slang: Malaysian slang for tightening of the ass (anal sphincter contractions) during intercourse .
Thanks to Robinboy from Malaysia for this International Queerism! See our Spanish Queerisms HERE!
Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

17 Aug 07 By Tim 3 Comments

Queerism – Heteroflexible

Queerism - Heteroflexible

noun: A person who identifies themselves as primarily heterosexual but can find the same gender sexually appealing.
Thanks to Vincent for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

03 Aug 07 By Tim 5 Comments

Queerism – Buttaface

Queerism - Buttaface
homonymn: 1. Sounds like “butter face” meaning cute and adorable, however, using the term is really describing someone who has a sexy body but their face is ugly, e.g. “Hmm, he’s alright, though he’s a total ‘buttaface’. He’s got everything… but a face.”. 2. noun: A face which has the characteristics of, or is shaped like a butt.
Thanks to TL for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

27 Jul 07 By Tim 10 Comments

Queerism – Dicpixie

Queerism - Dicpixie
noun: A social networking/dating site profile user wih only a penis photo to spare and nothing else.
Thanks to Niron for this Queerism! Submit your own Queerisms HERE!

13 Jul 07 By Tim Write a comment!