We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Ewok

Queerisms - Ewok
noun: A reference to the small furry treehouse-dwelling, primitive species in Star Wars, it also refers to furry pocket gays, basically a short bearish guy.
ex: I just love Daniel! He’s only five feet tall and has such a hairy chest! He’s such a sexy Ewok!
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25 Jun 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Cumbuns

Queerisms - Cumbuns
noun: An affectionate name for a bottom or for someone who’s ass you’ve sprayed with jism. Similar to “sticky buns” or “honey bun”, but with a more overt reference to jism.
ex: Ooo, girl, hold this drink. I gotta go say hello to that fine piece of ass. Hey there cumbuns! How you doin’? We gonna hang out this weekend? What you doing tonight? Yeah, another round of breakfast sounds good. You bring the cinnamon rolls and I’ll bring the icing… you hot fuck.
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18 Jun 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Lezbro

Queerisms - Lezbro
noun: A straight guy who hangs out with lesbians. Basically the lesbian equivalent of a fag hag or fruit fly.
ex: Yeah, a lot of guys thinks Samir’s gay because he hangs out with lezzies, but he’s totally straight, he’s just a lezbro. Every now and then he gets to make out with one of them too. I know, what a jerk!
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11 Jun 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Procrasturbation

noun/verb: Wasting time, especially when you should be working, by jerking-off.
ex: Yeah, I had to finish my doctoral dissertation last month, but instead of rewriting my section on quantum thermodynamics, I went on to QueerClick and enjoyed a little procrasturbation.
Thanks to SlobbyNacho for the Queerism! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

04 Jun 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Queerism – Superm

noun: Superb sperm, especially in potency or taste.
ex: Mmm… after he shot me in the face, I licked my cheek and found that his load tasted like peach soda. Now that’s what I call superm.
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28 May 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Queerism – Sit On My Facial

noun: Your appearance immediately after having your face sat on (looking very disheveled and kinda skeezy).
ex: Geez girl, what the hell happened to you? Your face is all dirty and you smell all musky. Did you just have a sit on my facial?
Thanks to Vaginal Davis for the submission! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

23 May 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Ass Castle

noun: A crappy person or situation, especially one that makes it difficult to do something fun
ex: Man, if Jarrod weren’t acting like such an ass castle we might have actually enjoyed porn bingo.
Thanks to Taylor B. for the submission! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

14 May 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Queerism – Abercrombie & Bitch

Queerisms - Abercrombie & Bitch
noun: One with a bitchy personality whom also wears preppy labels such as Abercrombie.
ex: Oh mah gawd, he’s such an Abercrombie & Bitch! I told him his flip-flops were last season and he just snapped! Loved his top though.
Thanks for the submission! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

09 May 10 By paperbagwriter 5 Comments

Queerism – Monet

Queerisms - Monet
noun: someone who looks great from far away but like a big ol’ mess once you get close up. Named after Claude Monet, an impressionist painter whose works look beautiful when viewed far back but like big smears of caked-on oil close up.
ex: Remember that hot guy at the bar? Doctor Sexy? Yeah, he was a total Monet. I thought he was a 35-year-old muscle jock from the other side of the dance floor. But when I went up and bought him a drink, I saw he was a sagging queen with eight teeth, sun wrinkles, and a beer gut. Blecch!
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01 May 10 By paperbagwriter 4 Comments

Queerism – Santorum

Queerisms - Santorum
noun: The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. Coined by gay sex columnist Dan Savage after right-wing political bigot Rick Santorum.
ex: So when he pulled out, he had all this santorum covering his cock and it got all over his leg and my mother’s comforter—it was great!
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23 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Queerism – Fag Stag

Queerisms - Fag Stag
noun: a heterosexual man who either enjoys the company of, or simply has numerous friends that are gay men.
ex: Chris won’t mind going to the gay bar with us, he’s a total fag stag. He’ll just end up getting us all to do shots and hitting on the fruit flies who enter the bar. What a dude!
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16 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter 3 Comments

Queerism – Cumgry

Queerisms - Cumgry
adj: hungry for cum
ex: Are you about to blow? Lemme know when you do because all your pre-cum has made me quite cumgry!
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03 Apr 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Fourgy

noun: a very hot foursome.
ex: Usually, I require five people to count something as an orgy, but when you’re part of an exceptionally hot foursome, it’s totally OK to call it a fourgy—especially if all four guys cum at the same time.
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21 Mar 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Rice Queen

Queerisms - Rice Queen
noun: A homosexual male of non-Asian descent who is predominantly attracted to Asian males. The non-Asian man can be of any age and does not necessarily have a racist view of Asians, but more an appreciation for their beauty and culture.
ex: Oh, James is a total rice queen. Why do you think he’s been going out with Kiyoshi for so long? Though, if you ask me, he’s only dating Kiyoshi because he’s big into anime, sake, and J-Pop—what a dork!
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A homosexual male of non-Asian descent who is predominantly attracted to Asian males.

14 Mar 10 By paperbagwriter 8 Comments

Queerism – Funderwear

Queerisms - Funderwear
noun: underwear that is fun to wear, usually giving its wearer an added sense of mischievousness, sexual prowess, and/or a desire to show it off.
ex: No! Don’t wear your “lucky underwear” on a date. That pair’s all raggedy with poo stains. Here, wear this funderwear instead—it’s got bright red hearts, a low rise, and makes your ass look awesome!
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07 Mar 10 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment