We found 379 results and a tag Queerisms

Queerism – Anal Egg

noun: can refer to oval-shaped anal beads or rectal sex toys but also slang for round or solid feces.
Ex: I wanted to put an anal egg inside him, but he already had a couple anal eggs in there that he had to clear out first, if you know what I mean.
Submit your own Queerism HERE.

13 May 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Twitter

noun: the area between the twat and the shitter
ex: “Bisexual Bob calls the area between a girl’s twat and her shitter a taint or a chode, but I call it twitter. Get it? Twat and shitter? God, I’m drunk.”
Submit your own Queerism HERE.

23 Apr 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Himbo

noun: a male bimbo, particularly of the ditzy sexpot variety (him + bimbo)
ex: Oh, Reichen Lehmkuhl’s hot but he’s a total himbo. He can’t sing, he can’t act, he can’t design attractive jewelry, and did you see him on TV? Blech… he’s all brawn and no brains! I’d still do him though.
Have an interesting or unusual Queerism of your own or heard a new one recently? Submit yours HERE.

09 Apr 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Cleveland Steamer

Queerisms: Cleveland Steamer
noun: Shitting on someone’s chest, rubbing it in with your buttcheeks, and whistling while you do it. Presumably a last date move supposedly named because of the brown stripe on the orange Cleveland Browns football helmet.
ex: What?! Oh please… no one has ever given anyone a Cleveland Steamer. That’s just one of those dumb, outrageous sex moves that everyone likes to talk about but no one really does, kinda like a Jelly Donut or a Dirty Sanchez.
Thanks to Skrates for the Queerism! Submit your own Queerism HERE.

18 Mar 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Broner

Queerisms - Broner
noun: a boner a straight guy gets when hanging out with another straight dude (his “bro”).
Ex: Dude, don’t be weirded out. Haven’t you ever heard of “a broner”? Just check out this video below:

Submit your own Queerism HERE.

11 Mar 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – D.B.

Queerisms - D.B.
noun: dirty butt. Used when looking at guys who you weren’t sure if they kept their butts clean
ex: He’s a hipster and I like his scruff, but I bet he’s probably got a D.B.. I’d definitely shower with him before either of you decide to go to Rim Town.
Thanks to Cdalton666 for the Queerism! Submit your own HERE.

04 Mar 11 By paperbagwriter 5 Comments

Queerism – Rusty Trombone

Queerisms - Rusty Trombone
noun: when someone eats your ass from behind while giving you a handjob (the sliding motion of a hand on a shaft combined with a face in a pucker creates the strange image of someone playing a trombone).
ex: Then after I sucked his dick for a while, he got me on all fours and gave me a rusty trombone. I was fifteen minutes for work, but meh.
Thanks to pipebruiser for the Queerism! Submit your own HERE.

25 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Dildon’t

Queerisms - Dildon't
noun: a dildo or anal toy of laughably impossible design or girth, something you would not like to stick in your ass.
ex: Girl, the “Fist of Fury” ain’t a dildo—it’s a dildon’t.
Thanks to Daniel for the Queerism! Submit your own HERE.

18 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – A.T.M.

Queerism - A.T.M.
noun: an abbreviation for “Ass To Mouth” when one pulls their dick out of a person’s ass and immediately inserts it in their mouth. Can also refer to rimming and then kissing someone (if you’re a wuss).
ex: When he asked if I wanted to go A.T.M. in the middle of sex, I thought he meant we should go to the cash machine. Then he told me what he meant and I was like “Oh, hell no!” But then I did it anyway…
Submit your own Queerism HERE.

11 Feb 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Fag Tag

noun: 1) a small loop on the back of a man’s shirt between the shoulderblades at the top of the pleat.
2) a tag on a social networking site that confirms that a person is a homosexual
3) the masculine version of a tramp stamp; i.e. a lower back tattoo on a guy.
4) any game played by homos play hide-and-seek, Chinese freeze tag, or any other game that involves running, giggling, and being touched by “it”
verb: 1) to amass a big group of gays, lesbians and their friends and take over a traditionally straight venue
2) to leave glitter make-up, a rainbow button, bad cologne, or lipstick on another person as a result of a gay embrace
ex: “So the boys and I were playing fag tag and when Jerry touched me, he totally left this fag tag of glittery hand lotion all over my shirt. Granted, my shirt already had a big ol’ fag tag of its own on the back it, but I still wanted to look nice for when we fag tag the straight sports bar later. God knows I’ll probably be fag tagged on Facebook if anyone takes pictures of us while we’re there. And I’ll most likely end up picking up a bottom with his own fag tag right above his ass! Life is so faggy sometimes, isn’t it?”
Thanks to Johnny for the Queerism! Submit your own HERE.

28 Jan 11 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Chicken Hawk

Queerism - Chicken Hawk
noun: an older man who chases after younger men (or “chicken”). Chicken can refer to teenage jailbait as well as men substantially younger than the “hawk” in question.
ex: “I know I just turned 45, but I look at that group of hot young twinks over there and I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight! Whoever thought I’d grow up into a chicken hawk?”
Submit your own Queerism HERE!

17 Dec 10 By paperbagwriter 2 Comments

Queerism – Tranma

Queerism - Tranma
noun: an old transgender person or a shabby-looking drag queen
ex: I like drag sing-alongs as much as the next guy, but when I saw that old queen try to belt outBaby Got Back, I was like “Nuh-uh tranma. Stick to showtunes.”
Submit your own Queerism HERE.

19 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter 1 Comment

Queerism – Assvertising

Queerisms - Assvertising
noun: Over sexualized advertising, using sex to sell anything (especially things unrelated to sex).
ex: Alex should quit with the assvertising if really wants me to vote for him. I like tight pants and come ons as much as the next guy, but we’re electing a city councilman, not a local streetwalker.
Submit your own Queerism HERE.

13 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Faggotry

Queerisms - Faggotry
noun: skills necessary to be a proper homosexual (sometimes used derisively) .
ex: Jon was well-versed in all manner of faggotry including proper beard grooming, how to find a good party any night of the week, how to mix drinks with anything lying around, and inserting a witty comment at just the right time to inflate or deflate whoever he liked.
Thanks to Paul for the submission! Submit your own Queerism HERE!

05 Nov 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!

Queerism – Barfcake

Queerisms - Barfcake
noun: an unsexy man whose physical form inspires repulsion and nausea—the opposite of beefcake.
ex: Ugh! You actually like that guy? He’s a total barfcake. Maybe if he had better manners, a better body, better taste in clothes and brushed his teeth once in a while. Yes, I know… I am a bad person.
Thanks to QCommenter richard janus for the submission! Submit your own Queerism HERE.

29 Oct 10 By paperbagwriter Write a comment!