Ekin Cheng Open to Being Naked in Gay Movies

Ekin Cheng 郑伊健
Ekin Cheng recently has a bearded look for one of the film that he is working on now. When he was attending one promotion event for a cell phone company, the reporters asked if his girlfriend it or not asked his girlfriend YoYo Mung liked his new look. Ekin said that what’s most important to him is that the advertisers love it, and added many people commented that they thought his new look is not too bad!
Ekin also revealed to the reporters that he would be traveling overseas to kick start a world tour and be involved in several new movies. One movie will be a literary love story filmed by a new director. When asked if he would mind being in the same production as YoYo Mung if one were to offer a high price, Ekin initially believed that such even would not occur, but then followed up and remarked that it would be better if he and his girlfriend worked separately.
Ekin Cheng Topless
The exciting part of the interview comes when he mentioned that given a good script, he would not mind filming gay movies! To what level is his commitment to a gay movie? Showing his entire back naked such as that in “Amphetamine” is no problem to Ekin!
Although it’d take some time before one even has a script to present to Ekin, nothing can stop us from drooling over this ageless and good-looking star!

Apr 17, 2010 By scotchtape Write a comment!