The Russian Army Has Got You Pegged

The Russian Army Has Got You Pegged
A Team Orange member recently discovered this gem at Popular on Russian blogs, it’s supposedly an entry-level test administered by the Russian army. Here’s what the translation says:

Six questions that help to identify any hidden psychological diseases young soldier might. If the soldier can’t see the number in one of the 6 circles on the test picture, then he likely might having…:

See your diagnosis, after the jump!

Can’t see circle 1: High agression, proneness to conflict, the recommendation is to add more physical excercise and cold showers.

Can’t see circle 2: Possible lower than average intellectual abilities, can’t serve with sophisticated equipment.

Can’t see circle 3: Possible debauchery, soldier should get increased daily ration, should get more physical activity tasks, should not be connected to food supplies, etc.

Can’t see circle 4: Possible inclination to violence, can be assigend as a leader to his unit, as he can preserve discipline.

Can’t see circle 5: Possible latent homosexuality. Can have light to uncontrolled excesses of attraction to the same sex.

Can’t see circle 6: Possible schizophreanic tendency. Requires additional inspection.

Every soldier should be tested before assignment, according to the order #2299.”

How did you test, soldier?

May 15, 2009 By paperbagwriter 60 Comments